Lasting Power of Attorney
Lasting Power of Attorney services for clients in Staffordshire, Cheshire and surrounding areas
Estate Planning
Lasting Power of Attorney
If you need assistance executing a Property and Financial Affairs or Health or Welfare LPA, then call Marshall & Co today for assistance. We will ensure that responsibility for your assets and finances will be passed onto the person or people of your choosing if you become incapacitated either temporarily or permanently or if you were to pass away suddenly.
Lasting Power of Attorney
Lasting Power of Attorney core benefits
Why Use a Professional LPA Service?
An LPA is a powerful, legally binding document, which is more complex than it might at first appear. It’s all too easy to get things wrong, meaning that the LPA isn’t worth the paper it’s written on at the time you need it most.
Fully Advised LPA Service
We advise you every step of the way and prepare all necessary documentation ready for you to sign. We offer a fixed fee agreed upon in advance and take full responsibility for the whole process through to the validation of your LPA by the Office of the Public Guardian, at which point, it is ready for use should you ever need it.
Safeguard Your Future.
Your LPA allows you to empower trusted individuals to make decisions on your behalf in case of incapacity and to grant them control over critical matters. Without an LPA, it is the Court of Protection who will have to appoint a Deputy in the case of incapacity, a very expensive and time consuming process at a time when you need less to deal with not more.
Lasting Power of Attorney
How can we help with your Lasting Power of Attorney?
At Marshall & Co, we will guide you through the entire process, advising on who to choose as your attorneys, and completing the forms. We will store your original LPA documentation once registered and issue any certified copies that you may need in the future. We will also act as your certificate provider, confirming that you understand what the LPA is and that you haven’t been put under any pressure to sign it. You can find answers to our most commonly asked questions on LPA’s below.
There may come a time when you’re no longer able to make or communicate your own decisions. Having a lasting power of attorney set up now can make things easier if that time ever comes – it’s there if you need it, like an insurance policy, but equally, it may never be used and when you die, the power of attorney dies with you and your will then comes into play.
A lasting power of attorney is a way of giving someone you trust the legal authority to make decisions on your behalf if you’re no longer able to make them yourself.
There are a number of reasons why you may need someone to make decisions on your behalf. It might be a temporary measure, if you’re going into hospital and need help with everyday financial tasks like paying your bills. Or it may be part of long-term planning if, for example, you’ve been diagnosed with dementia and want to plan ahead in case you lose mental capacity to make your own decisions in the future.
Find out more about mental capacity on GOV.UK
What are the different LPA’s
There are two types of LPA, one for making financial decisions such as whether to sell a property or paying bills and the other for making health and welfare decisions such as where you live, your medical treatment or the care and support you are to receive and most people choose to make both.
An LPA for health and welfare decisions can only be used if you lose mental capacity, whereas an LPA for financial decisions can also be used whilst you still have mental capacity if this is what you choose when setting the LPA up.
You can only create an LPA if you have mental capacity and you are not being pressured to do so and an LPA doesn’t have to be permanent – you can cancel it at any time as long as you still have mental capacity, if you have a change of heart or you want to create a fresh LPA with new attorneys.
At Marshall & Co, we will guide you through the entire process, advising on who to choose as your attorneys, completing the forms and registering the LPA with the Office of the Public Guardian. We will store your original LPA documentation once registered and issue any certified copies that you or your attorneys might need in future. We will also act as your certificate provider, confirming that you understand what the LPA is and that you haven’t been put under any pressure to sign it.